Sunday, April 29, 2012

the middle

"I have heard that many of us sojourn in the middle for a long, long time; that we have many middles; that we keep meeting and making new middles. Maybe every ten years, like Ruth's mother said. Maybe, for some people, more often than that.
And I have heard that some people eventually leave the middle and arrive at an end. I have heard that this end is a place of wisdom, of beatitude. I have heard it is a place of unself-consciousness. I have heard there is a lot of give in the fabric there." - Lauren Winner, Still

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Appropriate for Easter?

Part of me
Has Died
And won't return
And part of me
Wants to hide
The part that's burned

Once, once
Knew how to talk to you
Once, once
But not anymore

Hear the sirens call me home
Hear the sirens call me home
Hear the sirens call me home
Hear the sirens call me home

Part of me
Has vied
To watch it burn
And the heart of me
Has tried
But look what it's become

Once, once
I knew how to look for you
Once, once
But that was before
Once, once
I would have laid down and died for you
Once, once
But not anymore.

Hear the sirens call me home
Hear the sirens call me home
Hear the sirens call me home
Hear the sirens call me home

- Once by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irgslova