Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Real life isn't scripted. Sure, it's obvious. But it's a phrase that just strolled through my head as I watched Gilmore Girls, a show I adore for it's wit, quick chatter, and pop culture references. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I think I've always wished I could bring even a part of the spunk displayed in Lorelai Gilmore's conversations to my own.

But nothing beats spur-of-the-moment, spontaneous conversation with a willing conversationalist. The situational humor, startling realizations, eye-opening stories. Inside jokes, glances, teasing. Realizing after hours of talking that you adore the person or people you've shared so much of your life experience with.

I value this more than I know. But, out of American dream complex it seems, I've fallen prey to wanting to be more, say more, know more.

Today I want to talk to people, establish dialogue worthy of cherishing. I may not be Lorelai Gilmore, but as a human, I have a gift for communication.

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