As I walked back from class this morning, I recognized a couple that lived in my dorm last year. They've been together for at least two years. And I was thinking to myself, how lovely it must be to have that companionship; that's something everyone wants. But then I stopped and really thought about it. What makes that relationship so much more enviable than those relationships with loyal, loving friends or with family? If we stopped thinking about what we didn't have, if we started seeing what we do have, wouldn't that be enough to be content?
I feel like everyone I know is searching for a soulmate. But we have so much to be thankful for. Even outside the relationship sphere, people covet others' goals, talents, styles. We get so wrapped up in what we wish we were that we forget who we are. But it pays to be thankful for who we are in this moment: our flaws, our insecurities, but mostly our friends, activities, living situations, opportunities, and the love available to us in God and in others.
The water that pours from the faucets in my dorm is cloudy. But I can rest in the confidence that it is far cleaner than water in less fortunate parts of the world. And clean water is readily available to me within a leisurely walking distance.
I have so much and still I want more. I think that desire for more is really a desire for perfection, perfection that is unattainable on this earth because it does not exist in this place.
"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." (1 Cor 13:12)
We have to wait it out. In the meantime, let's hope for the things that will truly make us better. Let's appreciate the things that make our lives so precious, that give our meager bodies and weak minds purpose.
maybe it's because i've watched this short half a dozen times in the past week, but this note kinda reminded me of it.
it's good advice. people often forget that they have health, a strong body, and everything they need. if they get their head in the right place, they'd be a whole world better.
i've seen that before. it's adorable.
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