Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Sometimes I think I could lead a life of perfect contentment as long as I had the chance to pound a few notes out on the piano and pretend to know how to play the guitar, all while singing my heart out, humming unwritten melodies, serenading my cat.

What is it about music that makes all seem magical? How does it yield such power over our hearts and minds? I am convinced that the performing arts are not here so much to entertain, but more to make sense of the abstract entanglement of moments that comprise living. Seeing pain in the form of a dance reveals the beauty in struggle. The soaring notes of a violin are the sounds of nature in its majesty. The constant strum of guitar strings is that rhythm of time we must all succumb to.

What is the connection between God and music? Certainly its a gift He's given us, a glimpse of the joy He provides. Even in Heaven, though, all creatures cry out in song, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, who was, and is, and is to come." Is music a part of that heavenly kingdom on earth, here yet not quite tangible? Perfect, yet not fully recognized? I think that music is the song of our souls; it can be used to stir us to action, both positive and negative. Perhaps music on its own is neither good nor bad, but it is a powerful tool: to express, to persuade, to comfort, and to corrupt.

We must listen. Create. Understand that sway and appreciate its magic.

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